tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Sep 22 14:50:45 1996

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Re: jIlIH'eghqa'

In a message dated 96-09-20 19:28:07 EDT, ghunchu'wI' replies to Kenneth

<< >Glen Prochel mentioned to me that ine the Skybox card S-15 Dr. Okrand
 ><<wa'DIch tlhIngan Dujmey>>  for first Klingon vessels.  He believes this
 >wa'DIch and other <<-DIch>> formed words in the adverb category.
 How so?  "...first Klingon vessels..." has the word "first" modifying the
 noun "vessels", so it's not being used as an adverb here.  The placement
 of {wa'DIch} *before* the noun is at odds with the description given in
 TKD, but its usage in an adverbial sense is not suggested at all. >>

malja' law' vIchavta' 'ej nI' jabbI'IDghomvam vIjeSlaHbe'
cha' Qu'mey vIvum
'ach DaH vIchegh

Do'Ha' SK15 vIleghpu'be'
nuq bongach vaj vISovlaHchu'be'
'ach jIloy 'ej vuDvam vIchup:

wa'DIch tlhIngan wo' jaghmey ghIjqu' tlhIngan Dujmey
would mean to me "At first, the Klingon ships struck fear in the enemies of
the Empire."  That makes wa'DIch an adverb.

chay' Sajang 'e' vIlaD vIneHbej


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