tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Sep 02 19:42:01 1996

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Re: KLBC...language tape question.

At 08:01 AM 8/29/96 -0700, Andrea Benton wrote:
> I go again....

majQa'!  batlh bInIDqa'!

>tlhIngan Hol jatlhbe' be'jatlhwI' ngaS Hol jabbI'ID qatlh 

Woo!  Nice attempt!  majQa'!

A couple of boo-boos, though...

First, the question words "where", "where", "how", and "why" all come at the
*beginning* of a sentence.  I'm not sure if <jabbI'ID> is the best word for
the cassette tapes, but I am not going to say it is incorrect, in absence of
something "canon".  I would use <ta>, myself.  Finally, you need to have
-bogh on <jatlhbe'> to make "Female speakers who do not speak Klingon", and
-'e' on ve'jatlhwI' to show the head-noun:

        qatlh tlhIngan Hol jatlhbe'bogh be'jatlhwI''e' ngaS Hol jabbI'ID

This was a VERY NICE attempt!  Give yourself a majour pat on the back!

I guess I should take some time to explain about -bogh and <qatlh>, 'cause
even though you seem to have done very well with it, I wdon't want anyone
walking away saying they didnt' get their full BG's worth. :)

The -bogh verb suffix means "which" or "that", but it is really easier to
think of it as a way to make a verb modify a noun, without being an
adjective.  Huh?  Well, lets say I wanted to talk about the knife which
someone used.  I can't say ?taj lo'?.. that's grammatically incorrecet.  I
would have to say <taj lo'lu'bogh> (where -lu' is carrying the meaning of
"someone").  Anytime you see a noun followed by a "that/which" clause like
this, you need to use -bogh.

Which leads to -'e'.

Why did Iput a -'e' on your phrase?  Well...  it's not so critical in this
case... but... how am I to know if you are talking about the Klingon
Language which no female-speakers speak, or the female-speakser which speak
no Klingon language?  I can't, unless you put a -'e' on one of the nouns, to
show which one is the "topic" (the "head noun").  I think in your sentence,
it would have worked either way, but I threw the -'e' in there to help
clarify (and to give me an excuse to describe it {{;) )

Please note that -'e' is NOT to be confused with <'e'>, the
sentence-as-object pronoun!

Finally... question words.  You very wisely did NOT use -'a' with your
sentence!  majQa'!  When you use one of the "question words" ("who", "what",
"where", "when", "why", or "how"-- 'Iv, nuq, nuqDaq, ghorgh, qatlh, chay'),
you do NOT use the type 9 verb suffix -'a'; these words already flag the
setence as a question.  The first two, <'Iv> and <nuq> go in the sentence
where the noun they are replacing would go.  The rest all go at the
BEGINNING of the sentence.

>what I meant to ask is why no female klingon speakers speaking klingon on
>the tapes?
>I am kinda it a pitch range problem, or he just couldn't find
>any good speakers?  I would like to hear a few myself.

Actaully, I beleive that at least one of the tapes has a female speaking
Klingon, I think in the battle-scene at the start of CK, but I could be
mistaken.  I think you will also notice that in most of the rest of the
tape, the ONLY person speaking Hol is Marc Okrand... my memory could be
failing me, though.

As for why... I think it was more for reasons of proper pronounciation...
those sounds can be hard to make!

As for hearing one... well, I'm female, an I speak Klingon pretty well... ;)

>[email protected]



Excellent!  You try again honourably!

No problem.

HoD trI'Qal, tlhIngan wo' Duj lIy So' ra'wI'
Captain T'rkal, Commander IKV Hidden Comet
Klingon speaker and net junkie!
HaghtaHbogh tlhIngan yIvoqQo'!  toH... qatlh HaghtaH Qanqor HoD???
monlI'bogh tlhInganbe' yIvoqQo'!  SoHvaD monlI' trI'Qal...

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