tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Sep 02 19:27:35 1996

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lutwIj vIlabqa'

I'm rewriting my story, as trI'Qal HoD asked, with corrections from her
and also ~mark.  Here it is:

yotlhDajDaq Qam wIjwI'.
ghopDajDaq betleHDaj qeng.
tIrDaj legh.
tIrDaq pe'choH, betleHDaj lo'lI'.
ghaH ghoS SuvwI'.
Hagh SuvwI'.
>bISuvlaHbe'chu' SoH. tIr neH pe' betleHlIj.< jatlh SuvwI'.
jangbe' wIjwI.
tIrDaj pe'taH.
Hagh SuvwI'.
>verengan DajeylaHbe'< jatlh SuvwI'.
pay' SuvwI' HIv wIjwI'.
nom Suv.
tugh Heghpu' SuvwI'.
tIrDaj peqa' wIjwI'.

There it is.  How did I do this time?  I hope there aren't any typos this
time; I'm afraid there were a few last time.

[email protected]

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