tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Nov 29 08:48:03 1996

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Re: KLBC: Road

>"lupwI'" exists in canon (CK) for "jitney" (a somewhat rare English word

Ahaha! Sorry, didn't remember that.

>that means something like "bus").  Transporters as in the spiffy special
>effects in Star Trek involve the verb and noun "jol" (or Qol).  It also
>doesn't answer what do do about roads and halls.  Klingons *do* have feet,

I wasn't attempting to answer the question about roads, but give the word
for "transporter."

>after all, and can and do walk.


Hovjaj 96913.6
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 ,-\\  //\__  tIQeyHa'choHmoH!
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