tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Nov 25 16:00:20 1996

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jatlh HurghwI':  (*shrug* it's under KLBC . . .)

>  tlhIngan Hol bIlo'chugh, Hoch jIjatlh.

The only time I would use {Hoch jIjatlh} is when the *quotation* is the word 
{Hoch}.  Thus, you said the word {Hoch}.  Otherwise (and assuming {jatlh} can 
take an object other than a language}, you'd need to use the {vI-} prefix.  
(It's confusing, I agree, and we're really not sure how accurate this is.  
There's a possible counter-example in the beginning of Power Klingon, but it's 
spoken by a bumbling Earther . . .)

>  vaj, wa'cha' loS ben jIbogh!

<vaj, wa'maH loS ben jIbogh yIjatlh> bIjatlh DaneH, qar'a'?

>  "tlhIngan Hol Mailing List"-Daq loDHom neH 'e' vIQub.

nuqjatlh?  I don't think you intended {neH} to be a verb, so what *is* the 
verb?  And why do you keep using {'e' vIQub} when {-law'} does the same thing, 
and is built into the language?

>  DaH qaSovmo', jIQuch.


tlhIngan Hol ghojchoHchugh wa'maH loS ben loDHom, vaj HoSghajchoH Holmaj!  
tugh loQ Holvam Sovlaw' Hoch'e'!  heh heh.

Beginners' Grammarian
Stardate 96903.2

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