tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Nov 20 15:01:59 1996

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RE: Statements for book.

jatlh may'qal ro':

>  I plan on having a
>  section called terminology that would go something like this:

Again, depending on your target audience, needing to specify special 
terminology indicates that one couldn't understand it in the first place.

>  Sparring	 -    qeq SuvmeH

"Sparring" is being used in your sentence in the place of a noun.  If you're 
going to insist on using this as a noun, then you'd better just call it {qeq} 
"military drill."

>  I have looked at
>  your suggestion also to using  tuSuvrup'a' instead of choSuvrup'a'.
>  However since I am only speaking in terms of two people I need cho instead
>  of tu which is the plural you.  I have made the modification to make this a
>  little more clearer.

Yes, your new version makes this clear.

Beginners' Grammarian
Stardate 96889.7

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