tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Nov 20 15:01:08 1996

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RE: KLBC:loDDoq-HebrI' Hol

jatlh loDDoq:

>  why?
>  I mean,the main idea in this forum is to develop and learn the klingon 
>  language.
>  I'm not trying to develop a all new language but why not trying to invent 
>  find new ways to develop tlhInan Hol?and if we can't do that than what is 
>  point?

I'll bet this is in the FAQ, I suggest you look it up.  

The idea of the mailing list is not to *develop* the Klingon language, but 
rather to study, practice, and discuss it.  Klingon doesn't only exist on this 
list.  There are lots of people out there who don't read this list at all.  I 
met one two days ago on AOL who is the designated linguist for his Klingon fan 
club.  How could he have possibly known your made-up word?

And from the point of view of our fictional Klingons, why should they have a 
word for "Hebrew"?  (Seriously, ~mark!)  I doubt they encounter it very often. 
 If they *really* needed to say it, they'd just say "Hebrew."  In fact, if the 
word doesn't exist in the language already, then Klingons *probably* don't 
have a word for it.  (There are a few notable exceptions which Marc Okrand 
occasionally addresses.  For example, we're all hoping that he reveals the 
word for "table."  But until that happens, you can't go and say "This will be 
the word: ------."  What gives you the authority to add to Okrand's language?  
Why should we accept your word "gloop" and not my word "gleep"?

Besides, it's probably best that you actually learn to use the language *in 
the first place*, before you go trying to change it.

Beginners' Grammarian
Stardate 96889.6

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