tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Nov 16 23:09:56 1996

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RE: q and Q (was: help with this.)

>jatlh qrlIH:
>>  He did say that the sounds {q} and {Q} were made
>>  at the very back of the throat, behind where {H} is made.  He did not
>>  indicate that there was any other difference between the sounds other than
>>  the force with which they were uttered; in fact, it seemed to me that he
>>  said there was no other difference.  How else could one interpret "with an
>>  attitude"? 
>Good grief!!  If you force air through {q}, you're going to get {Q}.  

Isn't that the smae thing that I said about "air leaking"?

>affricate is a sound which begins as a stop and becomes a fricative, a sound 
>produced by flowing air which can be maintained, and which has some "friction" 
>to it.

News to me but then I don't have a degree in linguistics.  Is that
necessary to be able to participate in this list?

>I don't consider every utterance out of Okrand's mouth to be canon.  Only that 
>which makes sense.  

And who decides which ones make sense?

>I interpret "with an attitude" as a quick way to get 
>people to be able to produce the sound.  It is not an "official ruling"!  

Who issues "official rulings"?  What makes them "official"?

>not the official terminology used by the Empire!  

I wasn't aware that "the Empire" had any "official terminology".  Whose
Empire do you refer to?  Paramount"s?  KLI's? 

>Many of us, including me, 
>have spoken to Okrand *personally* in Klingon.  We know how to make the 

I would have thought he knew, too!

I would dearly love to unsubscribe to this list but i can't figure out how
to.  But, as long as it does come in to my mailbox, I intend to
participate, asking questions and seeking answers that are consistent with
what I hear from other sources, no matter how irritating it may be to
people, even if they are BG's.  I am in the position of trying to sort out
information that I have received from many sources, including our fearless
leader, the originator of the language, and I feel that I'm being told
that, no, KLI is *THE ONLY CANON SOURCE*.  Or is just the BG that's *CANON*?

If I sound impolite, then I apologize.  I do feel hurt and picked on just
because I have the temerity to ask questions and not take unquestioned the
word of "experts".  Well, as a seeker of the truth, I learned long ago
that there are no such thing as stupid questions; only stupid answers.  I
may aplogize for the tone of my posts and I do, if I have offended anyone
-- that was not my intention -- but I will not refuse to ask questions.

And, I repeat what was implicit in previous posts, if not explicit: that
it does little good, unless your are talking to a fellow linguistics
professional to throw around terms like "apico-palatoaffricate" -- it
reflects badly on he or she who does it (makes them look like they are
trying to make themselves out to be superior, whether or not that was
intended) and does nothing to inform the recipient.


qrlIH veStaySortlhIH Sogh la'       Lt. Commander K'rlikh Vestai-Shor-Klikh
tlhIngan wo' Duj qIj leng ra'wI'    Commanding Officer, IKV Black Odyssey
Qanpu' pogh DuQ cha'DIch ra'wI'     Deputy C.O., Mailed Glove Squadron


Denny Shortliffe

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