tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Nov 16 22:44:28 1996

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RE: KLBC: Syntax - I'm Lost

jatlh Kalos:

>  I get confused when there is more that one phrase in a sentence. Purpose 
>  and
>  Relative clauses do come before the object-verb-subject, but what about the
>  rest??? Here are a couple of examples from SuStel.

I'm not going to use those examples, because they are unusual sentences, which 
HurghwI' wanted to play with.  They are not very good for learning.

The basic idea of Klingon sentences.  You'd do well to consult TKD chapter 6.


Nouns with {-Daq}, {-vaD}, or {-mo'} come before the object.

Adverbials usually come before the object, and before nouns with the above 
three noun types.  There's an exception (which people don't usually use, but 
which you should know): the adverbial can come before the *verb*, if the 
object noun has {-'e'} on it.

{-meH} clauses always precede the main clause.  Other relative clauses seem to 
be able to come before or after the main clause.  {jay'} always comes last.  
{neH} always follows the word it's modifying.

That's the quick run-down on Klingon grammar.  IT IS NOT COMPLETE!!!  Keep 
studying TKD, and read others' messages to put it together.  Write some 
original sentences, and I'll help you out.

Beginners' Grammarian
Stardate 96879.6

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