tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Nov 15 13:19:15 1996

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KLBC - Stephen Hawking

I'm trying to translate something he said. Please let me know how I'm doing.
Any suggestions would be appreciated. I like it and for some reason can
relate to it so I'm thinking of using this as my sig.

"A computer virus should be considered a form of life, but I think it says
something about human nature, that the only form of life we have created so
far is purely destructive. We've created life in our own image."
				-Dr. Stephen Hawking, 1994

chaq yIn qel De'Qaw'wI',
'ach vay' jatlh 'oH tera'nganDaghachvaD vIQub,
'e' Qaw'qu'chu' 'e' yIn wItagh neH.
rurchuq yInbogh wItaghta'.

Qel "Stephen Hawking", 1994


[email protected]

"A computer virus should be considered a form of life, but I think it says
something about human nature, that the only form of life we have created so
far is purely destructive. We've created life in our own image."
				-Dr. Stephen Hawking, 1994

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