tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Nov 13 21:05:58 1996

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Re: help with this.

Denny Shortliffe
>Since this post was originally posted Oct 9 and you replied Nov 11, I
>stand by the part where I said that the BG was not leaping in.  You've
>just proved that particular point.

Umm... look again.  Mark's note is dated *October* 11.
Looks like you were hit by a temporal anomaly, Denny. :-)

*** Looks like it!  You're right; I rechecked the message and it *IS*
dated Oct 11.  But it showed up in my mailbox sometime since last night! 
I just looked only at the number part of the date and the time and thought
it had just come in. ***

>You have also not indicated why TKD (the original document) says "qeq".  I
>don't have access to HolQeD (lack of funds) and can only go with what's
>available commercially here in the Great White North.  But how was I to
>know that TKD is now considered unreliable and no longer canon?

You've got access to the WWW, right?  Check out the list of new words
at <>.  {qeq} and {Qeq} are two
*different* verbs.  TKD tells us {qeq} is "practice, train, prepare"
and CK introduces the verb {Qeq} "aim" (among other words).  PK, the
Skybox cards, TKW, and the ST:Klingon CD also add to our vocabulary.
A few words have been given to us "directly" by Okrand via HolQeD.
TKD is still as reliable as ever; it's just not *complete*.

*** Thank you for the tip about the WWW -- I'll try it out ASAP. ***

*** BTW, I suspect that someone goofed when they made the tape and used the
wrong word for "train" and the word {Qeq} was hurriedly invented to cover
the gaffe. ***

*** I sincerely hope that this will put the matter to rest.  In case
anyone thinks otherwise, this is to advise that I will not reply to any
post that makes reference to it. ***

qrlIH veStaYSortlhIH


Denny Shortliffe

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