tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Nov 12 15:47:08 1996

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Re: KLBC: You can't get there from here...

At 10:48 AM 11/12/96 -0800, you wrote:
>I was trying to come up with a translation for "you can't get there from
>here" on my way home for lunch.  I guess it wouldn't be a particularly
>Klingon thing to say, unless, of course, the Klingon was from Maine or
>K:  Daqvam SoHchugh, vaj Daqvetlh DaghoSlaHbe'.
>K:  naDev SoHchugh, vaj pa' DaghoSlaHbe'.
>E:  If you are here, you can't go there.
>or perhaps I should use <leng> as the verb???

If I were to come up with this, I would say:
pa' bIjaHmeH naDev bItaghlaHbe'
"In order to go there, you can't start here."

>I like the ring of the >Daqvam</>Daqvetlh< version better than the
>>naDev</>pa'< version.  I'd like to get rid of the whole "if" part of it. 
>Is there a way to express from/to in Klingon?
>QaHrajvaD qatlho'.

>Perry J. Brulotte
>[email protected]

-Adrian K (aka HurghwI')
      Stardate 96866.5
       | \     HurghwI'
    .-|  |-.   ram Daq DajaHbogh pa' SoHtaHmo'
   / /    \ \  [email protected]
  |_,\    /  |
 /'  \\  //\_|__
|  ___\\//     /
|/ \     `----'

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