tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Nov 12 15:47:14 1996

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Re: YATNT (Yet Another Tlhingan-hol Name Translation)

>But that's not how languages work.  I could apply the same thinking to
>If usingly I wordify with accordation to rulings not, you me-ish the
>thinkthings comprehendation will be made by.  But Englishly speech make I?
>Do the me-ish words assembly-wise English-ish sentences form?
>No, they don't.  You can puzzle out what I was thinking, you can tease out
>meanings (hmm... me-ish... that's an adjectival form of "me", right?  My?)
>but I haven't spoken English.  I've spoken a tangle of words with grammar
>that changes constantly, and even when it's consistent isn't the same as
>that which everyone else uses.  Languages simply don't work that way.  They
>have rules (which we call grammar), and if you don't follow them, then it's
>not the language which you are speaking, even if you can understand

I just wanted to chime in and say that this is good advice, because as a
beginner, I often feel the urge to just throw together something if I can't
find the word I want directly. tlhaQbej 'oH!

       | \     HurghwI'
    .-|  |-.   ram Daq DajaHbogh pa' SoHtaHmo'
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