tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Nov 12 15:46:56 1996

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Re: KLBC: Translation

At 08:58 AM 11/12/96 -0800, you wrote:
>>Date: Mon, 11 Nov 1996 18:58:00 -0800
>>From: "David Trimboli" <[email protected]>
>>jatlh HurghwI':
>>>  "No matter where you go, there you are."
>>>  ram Daq DajaHbogh pa' jIHtaHmo'.
>>Almost!  Of course, you meant {SoHtaHmo'}, right?
>>Nick would disagree with me on this, but you probably need to say {Daq 
>>DaghoSbogh}.  I don't believe there is any canon to say that {jaH} can
take an 
>>ram Daq DaghoSbogh, pa' SoHtaHmo'.
>nuqjatlh?  I'm a little puzzled.  The structure of this confuses me, and
>the meaning doesn't match either.
>First off, there's that initial "ram."  Either it's a timestamp meaning
>"night" (you go someplace at night...) or it's a verb meaning "trivial", in
>which case it looks like you're using it adverbially.  That would make
>sense logically, but I don't recall ever hearing that "ram"/trivial could
>be used as an adverb.  I could see "Daq ram DaghoSbogh"/the trivial place
>you go, but that's not what you said.
>The structure as a whole throws me: the place where you go, because you're
>there.  Um... verb?  There's a relative clause and a dependent clause,
>there should be a main verb *somewhere*.

{ram} is the main verb. I probably should put the {pa' SoHtaHmo'} in front.
It literally translates to:
"The place to which you go is unimportant, because you will be there
continuously."                ^^^^^^^^^^^

Actually, I just realized it might be:
pa' SoHtaHmo' ram Daq bIjaHbogh

>How about:
>vogh DaghoSchugh, pa' SoH

I like this one. It's simple.

>or use -DI' instead of -chugh.  I wonder if "?Hoch vogh" makes sense...
>Did you see something I didn't, SuStel?

-Adrian K (aka HurghwI')
      Stardate 96866.5
       | \     HurghwI'
    .-|  |-.   ram Daq DajaHbogh pa' SoHtaHmo'
   / /    \ \  [email protected]
  |_,\    /  |
 /'  \\  //\_|__
|  ___\\//     /
|/ \     `----'

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