tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Nov 11 18:49:01 1996

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RE: Punctuation

jatlh Eric Yarnell:

>  Is there an established system of punctuation?  I could find nothing about
>  it in _The Klingon Dictionary_.  It seems in some postings in tlhIngan Hol,
>  exclamation points and periods are used.  However, no punctuation is used 
>  in
>  the Syntax section of _The Klingon Dictionary_.

Hmmm . . . is this one in the FAQ?

Since we Earthers are forced to learn *spoken* Klingon only, we don't really 
know how the written language is used.  And since you can't easily detect 
pauses and emphasis in written words (written in the romanized alphabet which 
is not used to represent Klingon writing, but rather, *sounds*), you need some 
way to indicate this while writing.  Use punctuation as you like in order to 
make the sentence clearer.

Besides, Okrand uses some punctuation in The Klingon Way.  There's no reason 
not to use it, since the Roman alphabet symbols we are using are not Klingon 
symbols anyway.

Stardate 96865.4

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