tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Nov 08 16:28:22 1996

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RE: KLBC: vIttlhegh vImugh

jatlh HurghwI':

>  SuD as in the color? Duct tape is grey anyway.

Well, {SuD} doesn't mean "exactly blue" or "exactly green" or "exactly 
yellow."  Get a hold of a copy of HolQeD 5:2, which has a terrific article 
about Klingon colors by Nick Nicholas.  Since we (annoyingly) don't have a 
word for "gray," I chose to see it as a "dark" or "cold" color (for Klingons, 
these are apparently blue, green, and yellow).  If I understand the bit about 
colors, {SuD} can be used to represent any "cold" color which a Klingon comes 
across.  (Besides, English has more basic color words than any other Terran 
language.  There are going to be a few which are difficult to translate.)

"Gray" isn't really a color as far as this sort of thing goes, I suppose.  You 
really might just have to keep "duct tape" in its English form.

>  Why not the probably incorrect:
>  "Humbogh nav'e' qIj wov"
>  or is it perhaps:
>  "qIjbogh wov Humbogh nav'e'"

If you want to say "sticky, bright, black paper," two of these adjectives are 
going to have to become {-bogh} clauses and be connected with {'ej}.

Humbogh 'ej wovbogh nav qIj'e'

Don't forget that {-'e'} is a Type 5 noun suffix, and therefore must be tacked 
onto the end of any verb which follows a noun, not on the noun itself (TKD 

Does "sticky, bright, black paper" really convey the idea of duct tape to you?

Where's that unidirectional molecular bonding strip?

Stardate 96856.82

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