tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Nov 08 02:39:54 1996

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RE: KLBC: vIttlhegh vImugh

>jatlh HurghwI':
>>  mu'tlheghmeywIj tIlughmoHmeH.
>Drop the {-meH} and you're fine.  I doubt you can put any Type 9 verb suffix 
>on an imperative and have it make sense; "In order to correct them!" doesn't 
>work as a command!  {mu'tlheghmeywIj tIlughmoH} "Correct my sentences!"

I meant to say:
mu'tlheghmeywIj tIlughchoHmoH.

>>  tlhIngan Hol:
>>  *Sur* rur tay'moHwI''ochHomnav'e'. wav Dop Hurgh Dop je ghaj 'oH 'ej 'u'
>>  tay'moH.
>>  English:
>>  Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, and a dark side, and it
>>  holds the universe together.
>Oh dear.  Yes, I've heard this "proverb" before.  It's rather cute!  Let's 
>take this one sentence at a time.
>*{*Sur* rur tay'moHwI''ochHomnav'e'.}
>"Duct tape is like the force."
>What a mouthful!  I'd have never have gotten this without the English to back 
>it up!  You started by using *{Sur} for "Force."  You obviously extracted this 
>from {Surchem} "force field."  This is a no-no.  You simply cannot do this in 
>Klingon.  For one thing, how do you know that the {Sur-} element is the part 
>that is referring to "force"?  It could be {-chem}.  Or it could be a word 
>derived from some other source buried in Klingon history.  You did flag it, 
>which kept me from trying to look it up, but this is generally just a bad 
>idea.  Leave it in English, or find a Klingon equivalent.  Perhaps you could 
>have used {HoS} or {HoS'a'}, *maybe* flagging it to show that you are 
>identifying a specific name, instead.

Well, I know force isn't {-chem} because "energy field" is "HoSchem," or
"energy+word." Because energy field and force field both end in {-chem} I
decided that {-chem} is probably the "field" part of Surchem. I though that
HoS conveyed the wrong meaning.

>Your next word, *{tay'moHwI''ochHomnav'e'} took me a while to figure out, even 
>when I knew what it was supposed to mean.  "Thing which causes to be 
>together-minor tunnel-paper" is a bit difficult to follow.  Again, either 
>stick with the English or find a reasonable Klingon equivalent, one which we 
>can understand.  If I said {Humbogh nav SuD}, there would be much more chance 
>of someone recognizing it.  It still might be up in the air.  Essentially, 
>don't jam lots of nouns together, because it's hard to follow.
>Your sentence might end up as
>{*HoS'a'* rur Humbogh nav SuD'e'.}

SuD as in the color? Duct tape is grey anyway. Why not the probably incorrect:
"Humbogh nav'e' qIj wov"
or is it perhaps:
"qIjbogh wov Humbogh nav'e'"

>>  wav Dop Hurgh Dop je ghaj 'oH 'ej 'u' tay'moH.
>"It has a light side, and a dark side, and it holds the universe together."
>You made a minor spelling error with {wov}.
>When using verbs as adjectives (like "light side"), don't forget that it comes 
>*after* the noun.  {Dop wov Dop Hurgh ja ghaj 'oH}.  Otherwise, this sentence 
>looks good!

I wasn't sure how to do this, because I knew someone had mentioned that you
didn't need to tack {-bogh} on to everything, but I couldn't find the message.

>*HoS'a'* rur Humbogh nav SuD'e'.  Dop wov, Dop Hurgh je ghaj 'oH 'ej 'u' 
>Stardate 96854.0

-Adrian K (aka HurghwI') {{:-)}

             ( o o )
|--------oOOo--( )--oOOo----------| "tlhutlhmeH HIq ngeb qaq
|  |  law' bIQ qaq puS."
|[email protected]________|      -Marc Okrand

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