tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Nov 08 16:28:20 1996

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RE: KLBC:De'wI' ghaj jIH

Stardate 96856.0 jatlh 'aDam:

>  vItlhutlh
>  i'm drinking

If you use the prefix {vI-}, there has to be an object.  If just want to say 
"I drink," you don't use an object.  You just say {jItlhutlh}.  (Find that 
verb suffix on the table on TKD 33.)  If you're drinking ale, you would say 
{HIq vItlhutlh}. See?

Also, the concept of "I am drinking" usually means that the action is 
continuous or ongoing.    You might consider using one of the following verb 
suffixes: {-taH} or {lI'}.  If you are drinking and you know at what point 
you're going to stop, then you say {jItlhutlhlI'}.  If the drinking is 
continuous and you don't know or care when you're going to stop, then you say 

>  pu' vIghaj
>  i have a phaser


>  vIQob
>  i'm dangerous

Same as your first sentence.  Again, there is no object in this sentence.  
You're not "being dangerous something," you're just "being dangerous."  

>  Qagh vI*made*
>  I made a mistake(how do i say *made*?

Although {Qagh} is a noun, it is also a verb.  {Qagh} means "err" or "make a 
mistake."  So, to say "I made a mistake," you just say {jIQagh}.

tlhIngan Hol DaHaD 'e' yImev!  bIDubbej!

Stardate 96856.79

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