tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Nov 07 14:37:35 1996

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RE: KLBC: vIttlhegh vImugh

jatlh HurghwI':

>  mu'tlheghmeywIj tIlughmoHmeH.

Drop the {-meH} and you're fine.  I doubt you can put any Type 9 verb suffix 
on an imperative and have it make sense; "In order to correct them!" doesn't 
work as a command!  {mu'tlheghmeywIj tIlughmoH} "Correct my sentences!"

>  tlhIngan Hol:
>  *Sur* rur tay'moHwI''ochHomnav'e'. wav Dop Hurgh Dop je ghaj 'oH 'ej 'u'
>  tay'moH.
>  English:
>  Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, and a dark side, and it
>  holds the universe together.

Oh dear.  Yes, I've heard this "proverb" before.  It's rather cute!  Let's 
take this one sentence at a time.

*{*Sur* rur tay'moHwI''ochHomnav'e'.}
"Duct tape is like the force."

What a mouthful!  I'd have never have gotten this without the English to back 
it up!  You started by using *{Sur} for "Force."  You obviously extracted this 
from {Surchem} "force field."  This is a no-no.  You simply cannot do this in 
Klingon.  For one thing, how do you know that the {Sur-} element is the part 
that is referring to "force"?  It could be {-chem}.  Or it could be a word 
derived from some other source buried in Klingon history.  You did flag it, 
which kept me from trying to look it up, but this is generally just a bad 
idea.  Leave it in English, or find a Klingon equivalent.  Perhaps you could 
have used {HoS} or {HoS'a'}, *maybe* flagging it to show that you are 
identifying a specific name, instead.

Your next word, *{tay'moHwI''ochHomnav'e'} took me a while to figure out, even 
when I knew what it was supposed to mean.  "Thing which causes to be 
together-minor tunnel-paper" is a bit difficult to follow.  Again, either 
stick with the English or find a reasonable Klingon equivalent, one which we 
can understand.  If I said {Humbogh nav SuD}, there would be much more chance 
of someone recognizing it.  It still might be up in the air.  Essentially, 
don't jam lots of nouns together, because it's hard to follow.

Your sentence might end up as

{*HoS'a'* rur Humbogh nav SuD'e'.}

>  wav Dop Hurgh Dop je ghaj 'oH 'ej 'u' tay'moH.
"It has a light side, and a dark side, and it holds the universe together."

You made a minor spelling error with {wov}.

When using verbs as adjectives (like "light side"), don't forget that it comes 
*after* the noun.  {Dop wov Dop Hurgh ja ghaj 'oH}.  Otherwise, this sentence 
looks good!

*HoS'a'* rur Humbogh nav SuD'e'.  Dop wov, Dop Hurgh je ghaj 'oH 'ej 'u' 

Stardate 96854.0

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