tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Dec 19 11:05:40 1996

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yejquv DevwI' (was RE: KLBC)

>ja' SuStel:
>>If this was to be "Gowron is the leader of the High Council," you're not too
>>far off.  This is a "to be" sentence, as explained in TKD section 6.3.
>>      yejquv DevwI' ghaH ghawran'e'.
>When I see a sentence of the form {[verb]-wI' ghaH}, it usually seems
>simpler to just use the verb as a verb.
>       yejquv Dev ghawran.
>Occasionally the {[verb]-wI'} phrasing is more appropriate, as when
>you're trying to identify someone as a member of a group.  For example, 
>{ghojwI' SoH} "you are a student" and {bIghoj} "you learn" aren't quite
>the same idea, though literally "you are a learner" and "you learn" do
>have very similar meanings.
>-- ghunchu'wI'

Keep in mind that {yejquv DevwI'} is not just what he does, it's also his
formal title: "Leader of the High Council". As such it would be no different
        HoD ghaH Qanqor'e'
        Krankor is the captain.

As to the canon:
Gowron is addressed as DevwI' in STK (and the CD, I think).

yejquv DevwI' moj ghawran 'e' wuqta' cho' 'oDwI' Dapu'bogh janluq pIqarD
HoD. (S25)
Gowron... named leader of the High Council by Captain Jean-Luc Picard, who
was acting as Arbiter of Succession. 

ngoch luchermeH 'ej wo' San luwuqmeH pa' ghom tlhIngan yejquv DevwI'pu' (S25)
...where the leaders of the Klingon High Council meet to determine policy
and decide upon the fate of the Empire.

This is the office that was better-known as {Qang} "chancellor" back in
Gorkon's time--though Gowron was once called "chancellor" in The Way of the
Warrior. I wonder if {Qang} might be used as more of a rank, like
"Commander-in-Chief" or "Generalissimo", and thus follow the person's name:
ghawran Qang. 

There is no canon on how this word is used outside of the questionable "Qang
yIQan [Protect the Chancellor!]" -- a *very* indistinct (and untranslated)
line shouted out during the attempted assassination of the Federation
President Ra-ghoratrei at Camp Khitomer by Col. West in ST6. I'm sure others
on the list probably heard it differently. <g>


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