tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Dec 16 22:07:27 1996

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RE: mu'tlheghmey javDIch vImugh

December 16, 1996 6:38 PM, jatlh HurghwI':

> jIQub, vaj jIH
> "I think, therefore I am."
> Are you allowed to use a pronoun-as-verb intransitively like this?


I didn't read that.  I'm quite certain I didn't read that.  I'm going to look 
back up to see what you REALLY wrote, and which I misread . . . 



Sorry about that.

Let's just say that I tried this once, just to get a *philosophical* opinion, 
and I sparked a debate in which no one ever seemed to understand the point of 

If you say this again, you are the Fek'lhr incarnate!

> BIHe'DI' targh vIqaw
> "You smell like a targ."

Considering the Klingon sense of smell and the fact that some sayings relate 
to this (see TKW pp. 157, 159), I would not be surprised to see someone 
"remembering" a targ when he smells you.  However, if I hadn't read TKW, I 
would have said

bIHe'So'!  targh Darur.  noSvagh yIlo'!

The idea is plain that you are not referring to how I look like a targ, but 
rather how I smell like one.

> An alternative re-wording - SoH He'So' law' targh He'So' puS
> Is there a word for "scent?" In this sentence, especially, it is hard to get
> around.

No, there's no word for "scent."  If you want to get across the idea that I 
smell *worse* than a targ, you can say

He' targh.  bIHe'So'!

> SoH mIgh law' Hoch vIQubbogh puS
> "You are the most evil person I know"
> or perhaps - SoH mIgh law' Hoch SoH rurbe'bogh nuv vIQubbogh puS

"You are more evil than a person whom I know who doesn't resemble each you."  
This doesn't work.  Let's break this down.

SoH mIgh law' Hoch mIgh puS.
You are more evil than everyone.

Does this not convey your idea?  Is the "of the people whom I know" concept 
really important?

SoH mIgh law' Hoch vISovbogh mIgh puS.
You are more evil than everyone I know.

Beginners' Grammarian
Stardate 96961.6

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