tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Dec 16 13:48:24 1996

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Re: Dr. Okarnd Speaks -- lengthy

>Date: Sun, 15 Dec 1996 14:10:42 -0800
>From: "William H. Martin" <[email protected]>
>On Sun, 15 Dec 1996 12:28:04 -0800 Kenneth Traft 
><[email protected]> wrote:
>> *****   Dr. Okrand's response  ********
>> Here's "what I think" about the two sentences in your note.
>> This one's a little easier to deal with.  Your sentence
>> literally means "What is your preferable month?"  The basic
>> syntax is correct.  Question words (in this case, nuq
>> "what?") function the same way pronouns do in questions
>> with "to be" in the English translations.  Thus, the
>> question yIH nuq? "What is a tribble?" is exactly parallel
>> the statement yIH 'oH "It is a tribble" (where yIH is
>> "tribble" and 'oH is "it").  
>This is new. Until now, {nuq} functioned as a noun only. Now, he 
>says it functions in all ways like a pronoun. In other words, it 
>can function as a verb as well, "to be". Until now, the question 
>had to be {nuq 'oH tribble'e'} or some might argue {tribble 'oH 
>nuq'e'}. Now we can just say, {yIH nuq?} This is new, and 
>useful. I suspect Krankor will be pleased. Of course, next 
>people will be trying to put suffixes on {nuq}. Bad idea.
>It would completely explain {nuqDaq}, of course...
>But that begs to replace {qatlh} with *{nuqmo'}* and *{nuqmeH}*, 
>which would each be less ambiguous than {qatlh}. Let's just use 
>what he gave us and not start stretching it too much, okay?

Not really.  He only said that "nuq" functions like a pronoun *in "to be"
constructions*, not in all ways.  That is, it can be the predicate of the
sentence.  We've already suspected that; Krankor wrote an article to this
effect ages ago in HolQeD.  Nice to see it spelled out.

For better or worse, though, I do sometimes like "?nuqmo'" as a
deliberately long-winded variant of "qatlh".  No support for it though, so
don't trust me.


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