tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Dec 16 02:28:12 1996

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KLBC: 'e' as a pronoun.

Hi everyone! I have a little question...

I am intending to say "Due to the breeze I'm sad / Because I don't see her hair waving in the wind" (yes, yes, I know a Klingon would never say that, but I'm just testing my skills :)! )

I've worked out:

SuSmo' jI'IQ
SuSDaq joq jIbDaj 'e'mo' vIleghbe'

And now the question: Is 'e'mo' acceptable? I mean, can 'e', as a pronoum, admit name suffixes? I think so, but I'm not sure...

Thanks for the help!

SuSmo' jI'IQ
SuSDaq joq jIbDaj 'e'mo' vIleghbe'
Hovmeymo' jI'IQ
mInDaj lutamlaHbe' Hovmey
mobghachmo' jIHegh, batlhwIjmo' jIyIntaH

(Is the above understable?)

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