tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Dec 16 19:57:42 1996

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RE: KLBC: 'e' as a pronoun.

December 16, 1996 5:31 AM, jatlh Mago:

> I am intending to say "Due to the breeze I'm sad / Because I don't see her 
hair waving in the wind" (yes, yes, I know a Klingon would never say that, but 
I'm just testing my skills :)! )
> I've worked out:
> SuSmo' jI'IQ
> SuSDaq joq jIbDaj 'e'mo' vIleghbe'
> And now the question: Is 'e'mo' acceptable? I mean, can 'e', as a pronoum, 
admit name 
> suffixes? I think so, but I'm not sure...

"Noun suffixes"?  This has been debated before.  There's no canon to support 
it, and it's unlikely.  {'e'} has a very special role in sentences, and 
probably cannot be tinkered with.

I'm not sure I actually understand the meaning of the original.  Are you sad 
because of the wind, or because you cannot see her hair waving in the wind?

> SuSmo' jI'IQ
> SuSDaq joq jIbDaj 'e'mo' vIleghbe'
> Hovmeymo' jI'IQ
> mInDaj lutamlaHbe' Hovmey

"The stars cannot exchange her eye"?

> mobghachmo' jIHegh, batlhwIjmo' jIyIntaH

Realize that when a Klingon reads {mobghachmo'}, he's going to snicker and try 
not to smile.  {mobghach} looks very funny to a Klingon; it's "marked" if 
there isn't a suffix between the verb and {-ghach}.

Instead of translating word for word, "loneliness," why not recast to a more 
appropriate form:

jImobtaHmo' jIHegh.

Beginners' Grammarian
Stardate 96961.3

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