tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Dec 16 01:26:28 1996

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SuH SuStel,

Thanks for helping.
I'm reading section 6 now and have some questions:
I understand that the structure is:
and any nounthat is not the objet goes before all that.
So if I want to say "I'm living on a house" I should say "planet living I'm"
                                                            OBJ    VERB   SUBJ
So I'll say: *yuQ jIyIn jIH* or just *yuQ jIyIn*,right?
I'm not sure if should say *jIyIn* or *vIyIn*.

and if I want to say "I'm living on a big  planet" :
             I'm not sure if to say *tIn yuQ jIyIn jIH* or *yuQ tIn jIyIn jIH*


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