tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Dec 08 11:48:38 1996

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RE: KLBC - "So be it"

ja' qeyloS:
>I asked - How do you say "So be it".
>and gave the example of:
>A: If you do this you will die.
>B: I will do it / I choose to die.
>Your answer was:
>> vaj yIHegh!

I'd have said {vaj bIHegh}, myself.  Maybe even {vaj bIHeghbej}, but I
think there's something to be said for understatement in this situation.

>Yes literaly you are correct. "Then you die." But I am looking for something
>more profound rather that a specific answer. Something that may mean
>something closer to "Let it be", "Let it be as you said", "So it is said,
>let it be done"

Well, a naked "be" just doesn't translate into Klingon.  If you really,
absolutely, unequivocally want to say "let it be" in tlhIngan Hol, you
might get away with {qaSjaj}.  Perhaps a clipped {qaSmoH} "make it so",
but to my ears they sound a whole lot weaker than {vaj bIHegh}.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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