tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Dec 07 15:19:37 1996

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RE: KBLC: letter pronounciations

December 07, 1996 12:53 AM, jatlh Andrew 'Ska' Netherton:

> 	Although I haven't had to deal with it (except for spitting at
> myself and my TKD), I'm wondering if there is a better explanation for the
> sounds <q> and <Q>.

Sure!  {q} is a dorso-uvular unvoiced stop, and {Q} is a dorso-uvular unvoiced 
affricate.  :)

> All that TKD (and the web page) tell me are that one
> sounds "a litte like you're choking", whereas the other sound "a lot like
> you're choking".

You've heard the language tapes?  Okrand pronounces these two clearly 
(usually) on them.  I don't know if I can describe it better than Okrand does; 
{q} is the choking sound, whereas {Q} sounds like you're trying to get 
whatever is choking you out of your throat.

> 	Exactly what is the difference?  Should I just be choking on <q>,
> but triggering my gag reflex on <Q>?  Or is there an appreciable
> difference in conversation?

Oh, yes, there's quite a difference!  Some people have trouble distinguishing 
these sounds from one another and some don't.

>  All the phrases section of TKD offer is that
> the first is pronounced "k", and the other "kkh", which to me is more what
> <H> sounds like.

Ick.  Remember, those "pronunciations" are for those who have not taken the 
time to study the section on correct pronunciation.  They are not at all 
accurate.  Klingon {q} is not "k."

>  (And while we're on the subject, I'm assuing <gh> is
> <H>, but voiced?)


Beginners' Grammarian
Stardate 96936.0

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