tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Dec 06 21:45:54 1996

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KBLC: letter pronounciations

	Although I haven't had to deal with it (except for spitting at
myself and my TKD), I'm wondering if there is a better explanation for the
sounds <q> and <Q>.  All that TKD (and the web page) tell me are that one
sounds "a litte like you're choking", whereas the other sound "a lot like
you're choking".

	Exactly what is the difference?  Should I just be choking on <q>,
but triggering my gag reflex on <Q>?  Or is there an appreciable
difference in conversation?  All the phrases section of TKD offer is that
the first is pronounced "k", and the other "kkh", which to me is more what
<H> sounds like.  (And while we're on the subject, I'm assuing <gh> is
<H>, but voiced?)

	I don't want to make assumptions that will have me speaking
Klingon with the Klingon version of a Newfie accent.  {{>:(=

  / _ \                                     \        ** Andrew Netherton **
  \__)|         "VENI, VIDI VINNIE"          \ __    University of Waterloo
      \       I came, I saw my cousin.       |(_ \      Ontario, Canada
       \_____________________________________\___/       (519) 885-2717

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