tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Dec 04 19:50:36 1996

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RE: KLBC:bIpabwI'

December 04, 1996 5:02 AM, jatlh loDDoq:

> jatlh SuStel,
> bIpabwI'.
> bIQatlh ghaj 'ej qay',lugh'a'?
> choja',QaghwI' nuq'a'?
> 'a' vIlo' *as a* yu' jIH 


Let's see.  I think the second line is supposed to be "you are a Grammarian" 
(well, BG, anyway).  The third was supposed to be "you're having difficulty 
and problems, right?"  The fourth, "Tell me, what's the problem?"  The fifth I 
can't make heads or tails of at all.

Unfortunately, I'm only guessing at what you said by imagining these as 
English words and seeing how they're put together.  You must follow Klingon 
sentence structure.  You must not try to use verbs as nouns.  You must use 
verb suffixes on verbs, and noun suffixes on nouns.

Perhaps you should send this again, this time with the English translation of 
what you meant, so I can help you out.

Beginners' Grammarian
Stardate 96928.5

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