tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Dec 04 19:12:33 1996

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RE: KLBC - "So be it"

December 03, 1996 5:31 PM, jatlh qeyloS:

> How do you say "So be it".
> Such as:
> A: If you do this you will die.
> B: I will do it / I choose to die.
> A: SO BE IT!

In this particular example, I think the best bet is to repeat the verb.  For 

A: bIHIghchugh, bIHegh.
B: jIHIgh.
A: vaj yIHegh!

Hey, that's cute!

A: If you fight dirty, you will die.
B: I will fight dirty.
A: Then you will die.

To me, this is the same as saying "So be it."  So be what?  So be the dying.

If you want, you could add {jay'} to the end of the last sentence for effect.

Beginners' Grammarian
Stardate 96928.2

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