tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Dec 02 04:19:03 1996

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KLBC: Some Words :)

Since nobody really found the time to answer my post yet and I
do need suggestions on some words I'm gonna bug the beginner's
grammarian this time {{;)

As I've in the meantime found the meaning of the words for
right and left (don't ask me why they haven't been in my word list ;),
I'm still lacking a possiblity to express the words <north>, <east>,
<south> and <west>. I've pondered a way to express them with
degree numbers and <peQ>, to use something like <peQ wa'> for
north etc, but I'm sure there's a better possibility which I'm
just not aware of yet.

Also (since I'm doing some description work), I had trouble with
the word 'passage', 'corridor', 'pathway'. In buildings I can
help out with the word <tel> for a wing, and use right or left
(although I'm not sure I can use the word 'wing' for the wing of
a building in Hol).

I'm about to compile a list for words which are especially good for
building/describing nature and buildings, and plan to extend that into
organizing the word list in a topic related one since I can't really
get along with the unsorted list in TKD, unless somebody else tells
me that work has already been done ;)

Please help:)


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