tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Apr 24 17:29:12 1996

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{lab} and {lI'} (was Re: Memory trick)

charghwI' writes:
>It just occurred to me, in trying to remember the difference
>between {lab} and {lI'}, think of a message as if it were a
>football. To send it, you {lab} [lob]. To receive it, you begin
>to say that you are "listening" but before you get to the "s"
>sound, you get hit in the belly with a Johnny Unitus bee-line
>pass. {lI'}.

I don't get it.

{lab} is glossed as "transmit data (away from a place)" and
{lI'} is "transmit data (to a place)"; neither of them appears
to mean "receive data".  If the meanings given in TKD are what
we should go by, I think {lab} would refer to broadcasting, and
{lI'} to point-to-point communication.  I don't think that the
gloss in TKD is an error; it's consistent between sides of the

In the football analogy, I'd choose {lab} to describe simply
throwing away the ball to avoid being sacked, and I'd say {lI'}
if the quarterback aims for a specific receiver.

-- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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