tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Apr 08 12:11:46 1996

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Re: my list of names

In your list I have found several illegal tlhIngan Hol names.

They mostly break the rules of tlhIngan Hol phonology,
(see my next message), sometimes - those of spelling.
Some of them are surely Klingonaase names.

Illegal names:

* achghuQ, Joe Schelin ([email protected])
        a- : ' missing in the beginning
* ghwI'nItlh, Gwynyth
        ghw- : two consonants in the beginning
* K'aHrlang, Sally Field (ron@cru'
        K : no k or K in tlhIngan Hol
        K'- : two consonants in the beginning
        -Hrl- : three consonants other than legal in the middle
* K'Eertah, Dona Ba'ley (dba'[email protected])
        K : no k or K in tlhIngan Hol
        K'- : two consonants in the beginning
        E : no E in tlhIngan Hol
        -h : incorrect spelling (should be -H)
* qriS'ey, Ken Crissey ([email protected])
        qr- : two consonants in the beginning
        -i- : incorrect spelling (should be -I-)
* qSeroHS, Niall Hosking ([email protected])
        qS- : two consonants in the beginning
        -HS : two consonants other than legal in the end
* QaHrlang, Sally Field ([email protected])
        -Hrl- : three consonants other than legal in the middle
* QlojmIt, Adam Winnington ([email protected])
        Ql- : two consonants in the beginning
* r'Hul, Rachel Mara Wyman ([email protected])
        r'H- : three consonants in the beginning
* vortInbraS, Fortinbras
        -nbr- : three consonants other than legal in the middle

To your list I have added two:

qen qriS'ey, Ken Crissey ([email protected])
machey' (macheq) noychoHlu'wI' jemba'toQ, Maciej St. Zieba (#[email protected]

Your list is missing several names form the other KLI sources
available on ftp, e.g. Bible Project. I submit them in next sending.

And then I have found it useful to sort them according to tlhIngan "alphabet".
(the illegal ones are marked with an asterisk *).
(about sorting see one of my next messages).

???, Robert E. Newcombe ([email protected])
@@@, @@@

* achghuQ, Joe Schelin ([email protected])

bangteH, Frank Truelove ([email protected])
barbara', Barbara
bernarDo, Bernardo
beylana, B'Elanna
beytor, B'Etor
bIQ-DawSon, Biggs-Dawson
bIQHurgh, Christoph Pfisterer ([email protected])

chang, Chang
charghwI', William H. Martin ([email protected])
choHwI', Stan Goliaszewski ([email protected])
choq, Howard Rowner ([email protected])

DaQtIq, Bart Barker ([email protected])
DaraQ, David Barron ([email protected])
Dotlh, Rens Duysens ([email protected])
Do'rIn, Dorn
Do'val, Matt Whiteacre ([email protected])
DuraS, Duras

ghertlhuD, Gertrude
ghIlDeSten, Guildenstern
ghor, Anttila Riku-Pekka ([email protected])
ghorqon, Gorkon
ghowron, Gowron
ghunchu'wI', Alan Anderson ([email protected])
ghuy'Do, [yet unknown real name] ([email protected])
* ghwI'nItlh, Gwynyth

Hamlet, Hamlet
HarghwI', Paul J. Coffey ([email protected])
HetaQ, Chester Braun ([email protected])
HolQeD, KLI's magazine
Holtej, d'Armond Speers ([email protected])
HomDoq, Marc Ruehlaender ([email protected])
Horey'So, Horatio
HoS'etlh, Ben Warren ([email protected])

jan, John
jejQIb, Michiel Uitdehaag (Michiel@[email protected])
jemba'toQ, Maciej St. Zieba (#[email protected])
jI'qel, 'Lt. Barrows' (?)

* K'aHrlang, Sally Field ([email protected])
* K'Eertah, Dona Bazley ([email protected])

layerteS, Laertes
lurSa, Lursa

macheq, Maciej St. Zieba (#[email protected])
machey', Maciej St. Zieba (#[email protected])
majIq, Matt Gomes ([email protected])
mara, Mara
marqem, Mark A. Mandel ([email protected])
marqoS, Mark J. Reed ([email protected])
marSe'luS, Marcellus
maSqa', Christian Matzke ([email protected])
matlh, Maltz
mayqel, Michael
ma'rIch, March
mogh, Mogh
mu'vaj, Adam Walker ([email protected])

noychoHlu'wI', Maciej St. Zieba (#[email protected])

peHruS, Daniel Morse ([email protected])
peSHIr, Jarno Peschier ([email protected])
polonyuS, Polonius

qalI'qos, Calicos
qarghan, Kargan
qen, Ken Crissey ([email protected])
qeng, Kang
qeSmIv, Paul J. Coffey ([email protected])
qeylIS, Kahless
qItI'nga', K'Tinga (class)
qIvo'rIt, K'Vort (class)
qolotlh, Koloth
qor, Kor
qorDayt, Keven A. Geiselman ([email protected])
qoreQ, Korax
qornelyuS, Cornelius
qo'ran, Anthony Curran ([email protected])
* qriS'ey, Ken Crissey ([email protected])
* qSeroHS, Niall Hosking ([email protected])
qurIn, Kurn
qu', Joe Steger ([email protected])

* QaHrlang, Sally Field ([email protected])
Qanqor, Krankor
QaS, Kras
Qel, Krell
Qeygh, Craig Altenburg ([email protected])
* QlojmIt, Adam Winnington ([email protected])
Qob, Bill Willmerdinger ([email protected])
Qogh, Adam Walker's old name ([email protected])
Qugh, Kruge

rabe'rIt, Robert
raqSan, Roxann
reynalDo, Reynaldo
rojche'wI', James Frederic Bisso ([email protected])
rojpuqloD, Joel Peter Anderson ([email protected])
roSenQatlh, Rosencrantz
* r'Hul, Rachel Mara Wyman ([email protected])

Seqram, Mark E. Shoulson aka ~mark ([email protected])
SeQpIr, Shakespeare
Soqra'tIS, Steve Weaver ([email protected])
SuStel, David A. Trimboli ([email protected])
Suvbogh'Qib, Paul van Berlo ([email protected])

taghqIj, Matt Treyvaud ([email protected])
taj'IH, Astrid Jekat ([email protected])
taSIghor, Keven A. Geiselman ([email protected])
ta'SIghor, Keven A. Geiselman ([email protected])
ter'eS, Terry Donnelly ([email protected])
tevram, Susan Farmer ([email protected])
toDbaj, Michael McConnell ([email protected])
toral, Toral
torgh, Torg

tlha, Klaa
tlhaw'DIyuS, Claudius
tlheghmeQ, Elizabeth C. Hoyt ([email protected])

valQIS, Valkris
vanya, Chris Atherton ([email protected])
veranchISqo, Francisco
vItlhIS, Vixis
voltImaD, Voltimand
* vortInbraS, Fortinbras

wa'lIS, Walsh
wIlyam, William
wo'rIv, Worf

yabHuj, Volker Tanger ([email protected])
yarno, Jarno Peschier ([email protected])
yoDtargh, R.B Franklin ([email protected])

'anSa'ra, Ansara
'angghal, Dr. Lawrence M. Schoen ([email protected])
'atlhetbur, Azetbur
'etlhqengwI', Garrett Michael Hayes ([email protected])
'oSrIq, Osric
'ovelya, Ophelia
'o'raylIy, O'Reilly


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