tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Apr 07 06:15:04 1996

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You're bastards was Re: worn out (vavwI' loDnI')

>except my feelings did not get
>hurt.  The thing that bugged me and still stings is that many of the comments
>seemed (to me anyway with words like "gibberish", "...that's not Klingon",
>someone even yelled "..that makes no sense AT ALL") to imply that I was just
>throwing something out without much thought.

tIm: Listen if you want to play with mock-Klingons you get hurt, they all 
want to but you with there nice shiny new foreheads, what I do is I but them 
back twice as hard. Don't let the the bastards get you down!

And to everybody: I know you trying to help him, but if you hurt his 
feelings he may stop reading/writing Klingon, you never know he could be 
working on a Hamlet like project soon. Hurting some ones feelings may not 
have been your intentions, but if you write some thing that may get somebody 
upset, they might just send you a mailbomb and then you'll think you've 
F**ked with an elephant's dick. }}}>;-)



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