tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Apr 07 05:42:31 1996

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Re: ST:Klingon on QVC!! (spoilers)

>..Okay, that's enough!
>        You are a young Klingon on the eve of your nentay'.  Your father
>is throwing an "open house" bash in your honor.  "Open house", meaning
>that any Klingon Warrior is welcome in your home, and no harm can come
>to them, even if they are enemies, while in your home.  Gowron comes
>over (he is a friend of your father) and parties with you.  He brings
>gifts, and you have the choice of honoring him by accepting the gifts or
>..uhhh...not accepting them.  Gowron chastises you if you make the wrong
>        Throughout the "party scene", theer is a pair of Klingon Warriors
>who are hanging out together (pretty funny guys).  At one point, they offer
>you some qagh.  You are then faced with an array of dishes and you must
>click on the right one, showing your knowledge of Klingon Kuisine.  At
>various points you can click on furniture and decorations to learn their
>cultural significance.  There is, for example, a "rack" that displays
>a betleH and two other weapons (which you may remember from Worf's quarters)\
>The computer tells you the mane of the "rack" and which weapons are displayed
>on it. (Oops, I meant NAME of the rack...:))
>        The "Power Klingon" CD serves a dual purpose.  In a regular CD
>player, it is Power Klingon.  Nothing fancy.  HOWEVER, the same CD when
>used as a CD-ROM contains the Language lab portion, which (I think) contains
>TKD in its entirety.
>        In short, this looks like a must-buy.  Unfortunately, I must wait
>for the Macintosh version.  Go forward, my IBM-using Klingon brethren!
>Pick this program up!

I'm getting it! I'm getting it! vISuq! vISuq! vISuq!!!!!

Ford aka Caffeine is good

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