tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Apr 07 04:20:39 1996

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ST:Klingon on QVC!! (spoilers)

	I was watching the Star Trek special on QVC last night and they
had Star Trek: Klingon for sale!  They are shipping it PRIOR to the 
official release, so if you want it NOW (as any impatient Klingon would),
you can get it from them!  The host showed a demo, which I will describe
below for any who are interested:


...Okay, that's enough!

	You are a young Klingon on the eve of your nentay'.  Your father
is throwing an "open house" bash in your honor.  "Open house", meaning
that any Klingon Warrior is welcome in your home, and no harm can come
to them, even if they are enemies, while in your home.  Gowron comes
over (he is a friend of your father) and parties with you.  He brings
gifts, and you have the choice of honoring him by accepting the gifts or
...uhhh...not accepting them.  Gowron chastises you if you make the wrong choice.
	Throughout the "party scene", theer is a pair of Klingon Warriors
who are hanging out together (pretty funny guys).  At one point, they offer
you some qagh.  You are then faced with an array of dishes and you must
click on the right one, showing your knowledge of Klingon Kuisine.  At
various points you can click on furniture and decorations to learn their
cultural significance.  There is, for example, a "rack" that displays
a betleH and two other weapons (which you may remember from Worf's quarters)\
The computer tells you the mane of the "rack" and which weapons are displayed
on it. (Oops, I meant NAME of the rack...:))
	The "Power Klingon" CD serves a dual purpose.  In a regular CD
player, it is Power Klingon.  Nothing fancy.  HOWEVER, the same CD when
used as a CD-ROM contains the Language lab portion, which (I think) contains
TKD in its entirety.
	In short, this looks like a must-buy.  Unfortunately, I must wait
for the Macintosh version.  Go forward, my IBM-using Klingon brethren!
Pick this program up!

			(Still no .sig file, but working on it...)

PS:  I hope I didn't violate policy by posting these spoilers.  If so, 
I apologize.  tuH jIH.

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