tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Apr 05 10:47:45 1996

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Re: the casual use of {nuqneH}

>>{cholegh vIneH} "I want you to see me."  Note: {neH} is the only verb that
>>doesn't use {'e'} as its object in a construction like this (TKD 6.2.5).

peHruS writes:
>Other verbs of speech, particularly jatlh, jang, and tlhob can be used
>similarly, i.e. without {'e'}.

I usually consider verbs of saying to be a somewhat separate concept.
TKD 6.2.5 tells us that the quoted sentence and the speaking sentence
follow one another *in either order*, and that the verb of saying *is*
permitted to have an aspect (type 7) suffix.  Both of these differ from
the rules for other "sentence as object" constructions.

>Thus, {cholegh vIjatlh} means "I say [that]
>you see me."  (same ref).

A direct quote such as this does *not* have an implied "that" in it.
"I say that you see me" is an indirect quote.  All quotes in Klingon
are direct ones, and are translated using quotation marks in English.
{vIjatlh cholegh} and {cholegh vIjatlh} mean "I say, 'You see me.'"

-- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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