tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Apr 08 07:21:48 1996

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Re: the casual use of {nuqneH}

>Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 23:15:46 -0800
>From: [email protected]

>In a message dated 96-04-02 12:10:27 EST, ghunchu'wI' writes:

>>{cholegh vIneH} "I want you to see me."  Note: {neH} is the only verb that
>>doesn't use {'e'} as its object in a construction like this (TKD 6.2.5).
>>{HuchlIj vIneH} "I want your money."
>>-- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

>Other verbs of speech, particularly jatlh, jang, and tlhob can be used
>similarly, i.e. without {'e'}.  Thus, {cholegh vIjatlh} means "I say [that]
>you see me."  (same ref).

True, but it's not quite equivalent.  The juxtaposition of verbs of speech
doesn't imply a dropped "'e'", but rather unspoken quotation marks.  You
can tell because of the way Klingon handles third-person quotes: always as
direct quotations:

"I see the ship"		Duj vIlegh.

"He said he saw the ship"	Duj vIlegh ja'.
			    or: "Duj vIlegh" ja'
		           lit: He said, "I see the ship."

If it were a missing "'e'", I would expect "*Duj legh ja'".  See p.67 for a
less clearcut canon example, but it still demonstrates the point.



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