tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Apr 05 10:47:37 1996

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Laurel Beckley writes:
>...About 1am
>as I was falling asleep, I suddenly said to myself, that should be Soj

majQa'!  bInajchoHtaHvIS tlhIngan Hol Daqelta'.  vumba'taH yablIj.
That's great!  You're thinking Klingon as you start dreaming -- your
brain is doing its job.

>As to paqvetlh vIngIplaH'a', how would you say it to mean you're
>asking permission to borrow the book.

You could rephrase the request in order to use the verb {chaw'}, or you
could more simply tell the book's owner to lend it to you.  There's no
reason except politeness to ask for permission.  If you are speaking to
a subordinate or an equal, politeness isn't necessary (or desired).  If
you're talking to a superior, the verb suffix {-neS} indicates deference
(see TKD 4.2.8).

>I also came up with
>paqvetlh Daghaj 'e' vIngIp    I borrow that book you have.
>I'm not too sure of this one.  Is using 'e' right?

As charghwI' has already answered, {'e'} is not correct in this case.

>Is my English phrasing right?

The appropriate Klingon grammar is more obvious if you expand the English
phrase to say "I borrow that book *which* you have."  You are defining
the book you are considering, using a relative clause (see TKD 6.2.3).

-- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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