tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Nov 27 14:10:13 1995

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Re: qeylIS betleH and stuff


: Personally, I think it is terrific that Paramount is salting real Klingon
: into the show!  I hardly expect them to waste time and effort appease the
: fractious (and small) community of Klingon nerds. As easy as it sounds *TO
: US* to fiddle around and make wonderful grammatical Klingon, that is far less
: important than getting the story written and shot in time and under budget. 
: It is well known that the "technobabble" is written in the Trek scripts as
: "tech the tech, and after tech, we'll tech the..." (you get the idea).  At
: the end of the script writing process, this is polished off into some
: appropriate jargon.  Does anyone think they're going to spend MORE effort on
: tlhIngan Hol?  What would we talk about if they did? 
:     joel peter anderson * [email protected]

I agree with you, Joel, BUT... the KLI provides an EASY and FREE service.
If you could pick up the phone and have someone give you the chemical
name of the rock your crewman was just turned into and use it instead
of them saying, "Ensign Johnson was just turned into a lump of Thurman!",
wouldn't you start dialing?

Secondly, Paramount is developing a CD-ROM just for the purpose of increasing
the "community of Klingon nerds."  They wouldn't invest the money if they
didn't think it would be a gigantic cash cow!  So, what they're saying to me
is, "We'll take your money for the CD-ROM, but we won't use it ourselves!"



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