tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Nov 21 18:23:34 1995

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One more try with this ballad...

Okay... Ignore the earlier versions, *this* one shouldn't be messed up. 
HIvqa' veqlargh....
The War Ballad of Koloth (qolotlh veS bom)

lommeymo' may' yotlh legh'be'lu'  
                  Corpses liter the battle field
ngechmey teb 'Iwchaj         
                    Their blood fills the vale
porghmeyvo' vIH SeS 'e'mo' chal leghbe'lu'chu'
                   Steam rises from the bodies;  obscuring the sky
chal qIjmoHtaH tlhIch       
                             Smoke blackens the heavens
jaghpu'chaj chop SuvwI'pu' 'etlhmey 
               Warriors' blades bite their enemies
yoD paw' yoD 
                 Shield colides with shield
'etlh bot 'etlh                            
                    Sword blocks sword
jach 'Iwchaj          
                    Their blood screams

nIvwI'Daj qIH SuvwI'   
                    An enemy meets his match
'ej tortaHvIS Hegh                  
                       And dies on his knees
qolotlh, SuvwI'na', 'etlhDaj Say'moH    
              Koloth, the warrior, wipes his blade clean
nIteb jaghmeyDajDaq ghIr        
                      He descends on his enemies
tIqDaj luQeq DuQwI'naQmeychaj       
             Their spears aim for his heart
Hom ghor baS             
                                 Metal breaks bone
DIr Surgh pach              
                               Claw rips flesh
jach 'Iwchaj                       
                           Their blood screams

nIteb jagh charghta'bogh Dung Qam qolotlh 
                   Koloth stands alone above the vanquished
luQIDta' jIvmoH              
                               He ignores his wounds
may' yotlhDaq 'Iw jagh joqwI' nej      
               He searches the battle field for the banner
               of his blood enemy
'Iw veSmo' luQojtaH               
                       They make war to settle a blood fued
ghol rI' 'ej qorDu' quvvaD tonSaw' tagh    
                He hails his adversary and begins the fight for
                his family's honor
Quch mup Quch                
                  Forehead strikes forehead
'Iw DuD 'Iw               
                     Blood mingles with blood
jach 'Iwchaj                      
                       Their blood screams

Qap qoloth, taH qorDu'Daj quv           
            Koloth is the victor, his family's honor endures
vaHvo' taj lel 'ej DaQDaj chIpDI' chev      
        He draws his knife from its sheath and cuts off
        his ponytail
gholDaj lomDaq jIb chagh      
                    He drops the hair on the body of his adversary
qoloth ghomDI' vajpu'Daj ghu' luchenmoH 
         Koloth's warriors form a circle around him
rInpu' may' 'ej quv leHchu'
                       The battle is over, honor has been maintained
ghogh muv ghogh      
                 Voice joins voice
vaj van vaj       
                Warrior salutes warrior
jach 'Iwchaj                   
                Their blood screams
    "Had I not known that I was dead already, 
    I would have mourned the loss of my life"
              -Ota Dokan, Japanese poet
 (written while a knife protruded from his chest)

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