tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Nov 16 08:46:57 1995

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Re: TLHINGAN-HOL digest 289

At 20:29 15-11-95 -0800, you wrote:
>Jarno Peschier writes:
>>...wej Dochvetlh vISovbe'; pongmeyvetlh vIleghbe'pu'...
>{wej} means either "three" or "not yet".  The prefix {vI-} doesn't
>help me to resolve the ambiguity; it applies to both singular and
>plural objects.

You mean the difference between "I don't know that (thing) yet" and "I don't
know those three things"?

>Because you used {-be'} on the verb, I'm inclined
>to translate it as "three".  I don't think that's what you intended,

That's right. I meant to say that I didn't know that yet.

>If you mean "I don't know that thing yet," then I think you
>need to drop the {-be'} to say "I do not yet know that thing."

So simply "wej Sov" for "not know yet"? Seems logical enough.

          Jarno Peschier, [email protected], 2:2802/245.1@Fido
      162:100/100.1@Agora, 74:3108/102.1@QuaZie, 27:2331/214.1@SigNet
     What was was, before was was was? Before was was was, was was is.

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