tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Nov 13 07:06:14 1995

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I'm off.

 I'm going to comdex this morning, just wanted to say Qapla to everyone so 
I couldn't figure out how to turn off the list temporarly so it should be 
intresting to see how much mail I have when I get back friday. I'm going to 
go out to groom lake/ area 51 while I'm out in Las Vegas, so if I get any 
video of UFO flying around, I'll send it to anyone who wants a copy. Or if I 
"dissappear" out there (I hear the goverment don't like people to be out 
there), David Barron already gets dibbs on all my Klingon stuff. *GRIN*
 Take care everyone, talk to you all in a week.

(maybe I'll come up with a name on the 5 hour drive there)

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