tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Nov 15 20:24:29 1995

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Re: haiku

Qogh writes:
>jaghwIj'a' nujvo'
>nIjtaH Doqbogh Iw'.  Dunbej!
>jI'ItHa'.  yay'a'!

Once again, {-'a'} is a type 1 noun suffix, and as such must come before
any other suffixes.  Your first word has the suffix order wrong. (This
*is* poetry, so I won't complain about the naked noun at the end.)

[Saying {jaghwIj} instead of {jaghwI'} is insulting]
>Can I use such an abusive term with -'a'?  Maybe that makes it, TOO

{-'a'} is not a rover (there aren't any roving noun suffixes).  It
always applies to the noun, not to any suffixes.  It does not, and
can not, augment the "derogatory" possessive meaning.

>bItaghlI'chugh bIQapbe'law'. . . ghItlhqa', ghItlhqa', ghItlhqa'qu'.
>If at first you don't succeed. . . .edit, edit, edit!

"If you proceed to begin, you apparently don't succeed...He rewrites,
he rewrites, he rewrites again."

There's a distinct aura of word-for-word translation here.  The phrase
"If at first you don't succeed" needs to be restated to find out what
the dependent clauses really are.  Try it as "When you begin, if you
don't succeed..."  Also, get to know the "imperative" prefixes.  Many
of the sentences one encounters are not simply statements, but commands.
For instance, I just said "...get to know..."  I did not say that you
get to know them, I told you to get to know them.  I would not write
{DaSovchoH}; what I mean is {tISovchoH}.

I already have a preferred translation for this:
{SIbI' bIQapbe'chugh yInIDqa'taH}

-- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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