tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Nov 15 20:24:10 1995

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Re: haiku

Qogh writes:
>...Yes, it is my own ghitlh.  I would not mu'nIH,
>like that.  [Yes, I'm aware that I can't combine nouns and verbs like
>I just did, but it conveys my meaning, and I thought it was sort of
>clever.] :)

I agree; it is indeed clever.  It's probably as close as one can get
to a "reasonable" noun-verb combination.  But it's just as reasonable
as a sentence instead of a coined word: {mu' nIH} "steal word(s)".  I
would say {mu'mey vInIHQo'} -- it's concise and [I hope] clear.

If you're going to toss Klingon words into English sentences, please
at least spell them correctly -- {ghItlh} just doesn't look right to
me with a lowercase "i" in it.  It's as if someone misspelled "English"
and "leg" as "3nglish" and "le9" -- close, but jarringly wrong.

However, I'm going to give you another warning about the danger of
translating individual words -- you're setting yourself up for a very
difficult process of learning to use the grammar.  You need to be able
to disregard the rules you learned in "grammar" school, and that will
be harder if you have been using the Klingon vocabulary in non-Klingon

-- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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