tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Nov 10 21:10:56 1995

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Re: Revision of help!

Qogh writes:
>ghaHDaq Qampu' SuvwI''a'pu' law'.  ghaHDaq Qampu'mo' Qaw'lu'.

"Many great warriors have stood on him.
Because they have stood on him he is destroyed."


Much better.  This is grammatical.  It even makes sense. :-)
Unless my translation differs from your intended meaning, you
have correctly written clear, understandable tlhIngan Hol.

I can't say much more about it, except that it seems redundant.
The suffix {-mo'} can be applied to a verb in a complete sentence
to turn that sentence into a subordinate clause.  One can convey
the same meaning as your sentence with the slightly more concise
{ghaHDaq Qampu'mo' SuvwI''a'pu' law' Qaw'lu'}.  There's no need
for you to start out this fancy, though.

>While I could give an English version of what this jumble is trying
>to convey, I would have to wonder if the "translation" had influenced
>your analyses.

You worry without cause.  Stating your intended meaning will not make
a difference in how a sentence is interpreted, and can only help the
analysis of how well the meaning is conveyed.

-- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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