tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Nov 08 00:47:36 1995

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re: Re: Klingon martial arts

ghunchu'I' wrote:
> A verb for "fight like a Klingon" probably would have been translated
> using the word "fight" without a suffix.

I don't think so. Fighting is not something Klingon-specific. Everybody 
fights (nearly..) so there probably is a word for 'just fighting' like 
animals do, children and other races and there will be more specific words 
for special styles: fight like a lion, fight like a Klingon, fight like an 
old man, etc. For the more common styles (i.e. fight like a Klingon) there 
would be a specific word, not (let's see f I get this right) something like 
{thlIngan Suvghach} but apparently {tonSaw'}, just as there is a specific 
word for fighting dirty {HIghghach}, which probably originated from fighting 
like a ----- (insert name of lesser race/culture}.


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