tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Nov 07 21:03:23 1995

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Re: new TKD stuff

Qogh writes:
>I would, also be very interested in a list of words that are not in
>TKD.  I'm new here, and a resource like this would really help!

First, obtain a complete set of back issues of HolQeD (The Journal
of the Klingon Language Institute).  Many of the issues contain new
vocabulary, absolutely official, from Marc Okrand himself.  If you
compile your own list from this source, you will come to know the
language much better than if you were simply handed a list of new
words.  If doing that is too much trouble, we'll see about getting
you a ready-made list of the additional vocabulary.

>Also, if I come up with a word that doesn't seem to exist what do I
>do about suggesting one?

You bite your tongue!!  Seriously, if you find you need a word that is
not in the lexicon, say something else instead.  Nobody has permission
no "come up with" new words except Marc Okrand.  This isn't because we
think Okrand is the Klingon Language God, or because he himself insists
on having absolute control of the Klingon language; it's because unless
we have a rule this strict, there would be chaos.  Not everyone who is
a student of the Klingon language is a member of this mailing list.  If
you decide that you really need a Klingon word for "curtain" and you
start saying {*jujteS}, nobody will know what you mean unless you first
explain the word.  The whole point of language is the communication of
ideas from one person to another, and if we don't all know the rules,
then we cannot effectively communicate.

You are perfectly welcome to put the existing words and affixes together
in accordance with the rules of grammar in order to express novel ideas.
The challenge of working within a strictly defined framework is one of
the things that I truly enjoy about writing in the Klingon language.

 -- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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