tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Nov 07 19:12:35 1995

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Re: Languages

At 20:11 5-11-95 -0800, you wrote:

>     I find them fascinating and have done so since I was introduced to
>their existence at the age of seven.  I would be willing to bet that most
>serious tlhIngan learners have studied other languages before this, perhaps
>several.  How many, for example studied Esperanto at some time before
>tlhIngan?  I know from his notes that David Barron has and I first did some
>decades back.

Studying Esperanto is how I first learned about the KLI.  I first learned 
about the KLI when Dr. Schoen mailed out a card about the KLI to all the 
members of the Esperato League of North America.

A lot of the Klingon speakers I've met have had a lot of experience with 
other languages, including Esperanto.  In fact, we've had several linguists 
here on the list.

I know Dr. Schoen has been doing a survey of the educational background 
and language knowledge of the members of the KLI.  I would be interested 
in knowing what the findings of his survey are.


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