tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Nov 02 00:58:09 1995

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Re: Homebrew Label

In a message dated 95-10-31 16:13:47 EST, you write:

>I'm ready to label my first batch of homebrew, and want to include
>transliterated Klingon on it.  I'd like to say, "Best brew in the universe",
>or something like that.  The best I could come up with is:
>Hiq'a' qIbDaq   (great ale in the galaxy)
>I do not know how Klingon supports the superlative (best, most, greatest),
>as I'm too new at this.  Any help would be appreciated, along with any
>alternative by-lines.

Since I have been puzzling over the same questions, comparatives and
superlatives other than {yaS jaq law' Hoch jaq pus}, I cannot help but throw
in my two cents worth on this item.

Very often while I am still looking for an answer closer to my
English-thinking mind, I have used the Verb Suffixes {-chu} and {-qu'}.
 Thus, {qIbDaq QaQchu' 'oH HIqvam'e'} is my offer.  Also, it appears that
incomplete sentences in tlhIngan Hol are problematic.  So, I have arbitrarily
made the Klingon translation into a complete sentence.


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